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  • Decision on announcement of the competition for the appointment of the director of the special hospital International Medical Center PRIORA

March 5, 2024

Decision on announcement of the competition for the appointment of the director of the special hospital International Medical Center PRIORA

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PRIORA International Medical Center, Čepin, Kralja Tomislava 153, OIB: 28948012246 MBS: 030284198, Commercial Court in Osijek, announces a competition for the appointment of a director.

The candidate must meet the conditions prescribed in Article 85 of the Health Care Act (NN 100/18125/19147/20119/22156/2233/23)

The director is appointed for a period of 4 years.

Candidates who meet the requirements must submit their resume and evidence of professional training to the address of the special hospital within 8 days of the announcement of the competition, either in person or via mail.

The Administrative Council of the institution decides on the selection of candidates.

Candidates will be notified in writing about the results of the competition within forty-five days of the application deadline.

Translated to Croatian:

Odluka o raspisivanju natječaja za imenovanje ravnatelja specijalne bolnice Internacionalni medicinski centar PRIORA

Internacionalni medicinski centar PRIORA, Čepin, Kralja Tomislava 153, OIB: 28948012246 MBS: 030284198, Trgovački sud u Osijeku, raspisuje natječaj za imenovanje ravnatelja.

Kandidat mora ispunjavati uvjete propisane u članku 85. Zakona o zdravstvenoj zaštiti (NN 100/18125/19147/20119/22156/2233/23)

Ravnatelj se imenuje na razdoblje od 4 godine.

Kandidati koji udovoljavaju uvjete moraju u roku od 8 dana od dana objave natječaja dostaviti na adresu specijalne bolnice svoj životopis neposredno ili putem pošte te dokaze o stručnoj spremi.

O izboru kandidata odlučuje Upravno vijeće ustanove.

O rezultatima natječaja kandidati će biti pisano obaviješteni u roku od četrdeset pet dana od dana isteka roka za prijavu.

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